A knitting machine consists of different parts like nee […]
A knitting machine consists of different parts like needles, needle feeders, yarn feeders, counterweight, shuttle wheel, foot pedal, etc. A knitting machine with yarn and needles feeds arranged in a circular orbit for knitting materials, garments, hats, socks, sweaters and undergarments. The machine also carries and coordinate the motion of several gadgets and mechanisms every performing certain specific role that contributes towards the overall efficiency of the knitting process. While every component of a knitting machine may seem to be relatively simple in nature, the complexity level of each component depends on the type and design of the knitting machine and the complexity level required for each type of machine. Therefore, it can be said that each and every component of a knitting machine is necessary to knit the perfect sweater or knit the perfect knitwear.
The most basic of all knitting machine parts are the needles. Needles come in a variety of sizes, colors, and materials to perform the task of knitting. They have various options as far as the design is concerned. There is a basic wooden needle, metal needles, plastic needles, hollow needles, reed threads, wool threads, bamboo needles, even cotton wool threads.
Another essential part of knitting machine parts are the transfer tools. Transfer tools are used to put the needles to the right position once they are all fitted into the machine. The most commonly used transfer tools are the bulkier clamps and the bulky tapered clamps. These two tools serve the double duty of clamping down the lengthwise stitches and holding the fabric together. They also help to pin the needles into the correct position after they are all fitted into the machine.
One of the knitting machine parts that are usually overlooked is the important crochet hook. Even if a kit only comes with a single needle, that one is a very precious stitch finder. It is used in lifting up stitches, decreasing them, changing the direction of knitting, and adding or omitting colors. A set of crochet hook scissors and needles can be bought separately. A set of three or four tiny sponges that are rectangular in shape is the essential crochet tool.
Knitting cushion and knitted row pillow are also a few essentials in every beginner's kit. They are needed for stretching the fabric and creating a soft, comfortable place to sit while working. The knitting machine parts that make the cushions or the rows are needle, knitting needles, knitting cable or cord, a set of 22 or 24 inch stitches, a set of double-sided knitting beads or thread, a set of felt pads, and a set of silk fabric or felt pads.
In order to make sweaters and other textiles, you will need a knitting machine parts called a cobbler, which is a long metal tube with a handle. It is used to pull the yarn tight so that the fibers can be pulled tightly into a tight coil or spiral, like a rope. There are also sewing machines that have small but essential knitting machine parts like the zipper, button, sewing needle, and zipper pull. These sewing machine parts are also called buttons, nails, or stuffing rings.